Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Il Fait Chaud!! (It's Hot!)

If you're staying in the city, brave the heat to pay us a visit and you'll be rewarded!! Many of our vintage and hand-made pieces are now on sale to make way for other wonderful things. And in our boutique, all spring and summer clothing and jammies are at least 20% off now until August.

Speaking of August, we are beyond excited to unveil our new late summer/fall clothing, handbags, jewelry and home decor! Stay tuned for details on what and when...

1 comment:

Cindy P'ski said...

Hi Laurie. I am with Sashay Jewelry and Accessories; I was in your store a few months back, we talked and I left a catalog. Your store would be perfect and a completely diffent type of jewelry from the John Wind line. Sashay will be introducing their new catalog Sept 4th so if you don't already have another rep, would you be interested in carrying some of the Sashay items?